I have blue veins on my legs, are they varicose veins?

Varicose veins: a simplified definition
Varicose veins are twisty, bulgy veins commonly seen on the legs. They are bluish in color and may be found in the thighs, calves, and feet. Occasionally, varicose veins can be seen higher up in the female genitalia (labia).
People often worry about their varicose veins worsening over time. They may have noticed their parents or grandparents with varicose veins turning their legs “blue”. This usually prompts them to seek medical attention in search of a solution or simply to learn about varicose veins.
Are varicose veins painful?
Varicose veins do not usually cause pain unless they contain clots. Inflamed varicose veins with clots can be painful. The skin over the inflamed vein can appear reddish and feel warm. A feeling of heaviness in the legs can accompany varicose veins.
What should you do if you have varicose veins?
A good first step is to visit a reputable and accredited vein center. Typically your visit will begin with a consultation with a board certified vascular surgeon followed by an ultrasound of the legs. The ultrasound is a painless imaging test. It is a necessary step prior to treatment. An ultrasound is also able to detect any vein clots.
Vein disease is progressive, worsening over time. In advanced vein disease, the risk of complications increases. Treatment in a specialized vein clinic often involves non-surgical options with immediate return to normal activities.